The Swifty Podcast #24 - A Deep Dive Into Strength and Conditioning with Gavin Clarke

The Swifty Podcast #24 - A Deep Dive Into Strength and Conditioning with Gavin Clarke

The Swifty Podcast #24 - A Deep Dive Into Strength and Conditioning with Gavin Clarke

For episode #24, Jason chats with strength and conditioning coach Gavin Clarke about this comprehensive form of training and exercise.

Aside from working as a strength and conditioning coach, Gav is a personal trainer, rehab specialist, nutrition coach and is also a qualified Kettlebell instructor.

Gav has extensive experience of helping people to achieve their goals and his style of teaching focuses on providing effective, challenging exercise in a fun and friendly environment.

Gav has his own website and can be found on Twitter @BespokeFT and Instagram @bespokeft

Skip ahead to a point in the conversation below:

00:00 - Intro
05:51 - Gav talks about the mental health benefits which come from exercise
08:02 - What does strength and conditioning encompass?
20:36 - Gav looks at the specific needs for strength training in a sporting context
23:20 - Gav talks about how challenging yourself can contribute to your positive mental attitude
28:19 - Jason asks Gav to go into detail about strength and endurance, plus functional strength
30:13 - Discussion about time under tension (or TUT for short
36:19 - Gav talks about how his training programmes cater to the specific lifestyles of his clients
40:32 - A brief chat about using slings and chains in training
43:10 - Gav talks about why having a fitness plan is vital to your weekly exercise routines
48:12 - Talk turns to the complex world of nutrition
01:06:33 – Gav discusses his new exercise programmes, his kettlebell training and what else is instore for him in 2022

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