urban transport podcast, micromobility podcast, e-scooter podcast

The Swifty Podcast #17- 2020 Updates and Discussing the Legalisation of E-scooters in the UK

The Swifty Podcast #17- 2020 Updates and Discussing the Legalisation of E-scooters in the UK

The Swifty Podcast ventures into 2020! It’s been a while since our last update and a lot is changing at Swifty, this week Jason and Camilla are back together to give you an update on our 2020 so far as well as what you can expect from Swifty over the next few months.

With the recent news that E-scooters are on track to be legalized in the UK soon our co-founders talk through what people can expect from scooter-sharing companies as they are today. They discuss the difference (or lack thereof) between companies, the public’s concerns towards this news and how this could be addressed through design, as well as if they believe there is space for free-floating scooter sharing in the UK.

  • 02:26 Jason’s experience at CES 2020 in Las Vegas
  • 05:26 Potential legality of e-scooters in the UK and the micromobility rush in the UK
  • 07:16 The concept of the standard scooter-sharing companies and how they’re all extremely similar
  • 12:20 Safety concerns with the legalization of e-scooters in the UK. Is the problem wheel size?
  • 16:40 Looking at the safety of scooters through their design choices
  • 21:42 The potential issue that throttles on scooters bring cities
  • 24:28 Jason’s recent trip to London and his experience with Jump Bikes
  • 31:07 Dockless scooter sharing - what is the cost of convenience.
  • 38:27 Is there still space for dockless scooter sharing in the world? Our thoughts
  • 43:47 Updates on what to expect from Swifty over the next few months

Learn more about the topics mentioned in this week’s episode below:

Let us know if there’s anything you want to hear us discuss in future episodes of The Swifty Podcast in the comments!

To listen to other episodes head to the Podcast tab in our Journal, or check out the playlist on YoutubeApple Podcasts or Spotify!


  • Good points raised, but the AER electric version looks a better package.

    Stuart on

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