‘Best Adult Kick Scooter Around’ What Our Customers Have to Say
Our customers have always been central to what we do and how we adapt and grow our company. As Jason and Camilla discuss in The Swifty Podcast #3 the SwiftyAIR came about because our customers were trying to do tricks on their original SwiftyONE’s! As they’re not designed for aggressive riding and tricks we went to the drawing board and created our stunning dirt scooter, that can handle all terrain and any adventures you can throw at it!
We’re always learning from our community and seeing how people are using and experiencing our products. Reading your reviews is a great way for us to get an insight into how you’re using your Swifty's and how we can keep innovating our designs to be the best they can be.
We wanted to highlight a selection of reviews to give you an idea of how our customers have been embracing kick scooters and the benefits they’ve found after turning to Swifty.
All quotes are taken from our TrustPilot and Google reviews so if you want to get an idea of what our Swifty community has to say about our scooters - go have a look for yourself!
The Benefits of Embracing a Commuter Scooter
‘After switching to an all driving commute for the last couple of years, I put on a massive amount of weight. In an effort to get active and burn calories, I tried cycling. Unfortunately, pushing 250lbs on a bike proved too much of a jump. So I began looking for an alternative. I tried different scooters with solid wheels but even those that could support my weight were too jarring as I felt every bump on the pavement. Then I stumbled on the SwiftyONE. I've had it for a few days and have scooted part of my commute. I'm very happy with it. I can go farther on it than on a bike. It's smooth compared to harder wheels’ scooters and I don't need to push as much for the same distance. I got the Swifty to build my fitness level for a bike but after using it I don't think I really need a commute bike.’ - Joseph
It's great to hear customers embracing kick scooting as a way to get themselves active and burn calories. Scooting is a full-body exercise that can fit around your personal fitness levels, whether you’re going for a leisurely trip or going for high-intensity cardio - you’ll be feeling the benefits!
Swifty’s build quality means Joseph was able to comfortably ride despite their weight concerns that ultimately made cycling, not an option. Bikes are often the go-to option when it comes to getting active but to many, they are not as accessible a way of travelling compared to scooting. Kick scooters benefit from allowing riders to feel a full-body workout that is simultaneously low impact and completely adaptable to your fitness levels.
Learn all about our folding adult scooter - SwiftyONE
Joseph’s review goes to show how crucial the commute is, for many of us it’s one of the only times to get some daily exercise. In a busy modern lifestyle, it’s hard to put time aside to get some exercise so we need to find ways to integrate exercise into our daily routine. Even just a short scoot to a bus stop can have us feeling the benefits.
SwiftyONE is our foldable urban kick scooter that is designed for city use. Its foldability means it’s a great asset to getting around the city and can be folded up in seconds. It’s large 16’’ pneumatic wheels mean it can smoothly tackle any of the lumps and bumps of the city's roads and paths!
Kick Scooters Allow More People to Stay Active and Connected
‘Thomas is Autistic. The Swifty Scooter is the perfect way for Thomas to get from A to B as he can't drive. He gets exercise and he can ride on the pavement so it is safe. The scooter was very well packed and easy to assemble. Tom is really happy. He loves his scooter. Thank you so much.’ - Kate
Beyond just a way of helping people get active, it’s lovely to hear that scooting is allowing people to stay connected and able to get around where driving or other modes of transport might not be viable. If we all embraced safe active travel in our lives a bit more then collectively we can make a considerable impact!
Like Thomas, many people are unable to drive, don’t have access to a car, or may not want to for safety reasons. Kick scooters give a wide array of people the ability to get around more. Scooting is faster than walking so can greatly expand the horizons of where you can travel without the need for public transport.
As mentioned by Kate you don’t need to ride on the roads with a scooter (these rules can vary depending on local councils, check your local guidelines). Again, a large reason many are put off by bikes is the safety risk of being on the road right next to cars, an issue that you don’t face on a scooter.
A Scooter for Use in the City
‘Today it's been about two months since I bought the SwiftyZERO scooter. I had never had a scooter before and I wasn't a hundred per cent sure that I would like it. However, I am still really happy with my purchase. So far I haven't missed a single day of scooting despite the rainy and bleak weather of Manchester! I ride 4-10 miles on flat terrain every day. It's not only great fun but also a handy means of transport within the city, especially when collecting kids. Every day I take my 5-year-old son to and from school. It's more flexible than a bike is. It's possible to ride on the pavement as well as to take on the tram if needed. Not least, I love the cool Swifty design. To sum up, the scooter is fantastic!’ – B
Adult scooters are a new way to travel for a lot of people so like B it’s understandable that people are dubious at first and not ‘hundred per cent sure that I would like it’. B’s story echoes a lot of what we hear at Swifty, the experience of using an adult kick scooter is unlike anything else most people have experienced before!
It’s a mode of transport that is underrepresented compared to a lot of others but as B has explained here this is likely to change the more people give it a try. From someone who had never been on a scooter to riding 4-10 miles every day speaks for itself!
We are currently witnessing a micromobility revolution. But what exactly is it? Learn more
Scooters accessible for heavier adults
‘The assembly was simple and made easier by following the video guide. Two Scooters unpacked and out on the first ride in under an hour.
We have covered over 50 miles in the first two weeks and they are amazing. The scooters get a lot of attention, the Atlantic Blue sparkles. I wanted a scooter for the ‘larger’ adult and it’s perfect. I’m 115 kg and the scooter floats along smoothly, handling mixed surfaces with ease.
Contrary to what you may think, you can scoot uphill and into the wind. Learn to change legs, the hop is a real power boost. It’s a great workout, burning more calories than a fast walk and way more fun. Make sure you get the bell as it’s so quiet you’ll need it, especially on shared paths. My only concern is when can I get out next and where shall I go?’ Stuart
All our scooters have a max load of 150kg (330lbs) meaning they’re accessible to a vast array of riders that may be concerned about weight restrictions with other brands. Not many scooters have this level of durability for riders over 100kg to ride comfortably.
Years of work have gone into the design of Swifty’s Scooters to ensure they’re a safe and viable way for as many people to travel on as possible.
'You Can’t Scoot Uphill' is one of the top myths we hear about scooter – Learn the rest
It’s also great to hear customers dispel some of the common misconceptions that surround scooting. Scooting uphill is something most people think impossible at first, and on the most part, it’s because they haven’t tried it! A key takeaway from Stuart's review is that it’s ‘way more fun’ than a fast walk too, it’s more than just a workout, a ride on your scooter is an experience unto itself!
We often upload video guides to our YouTube channel to help customers fix basic problems themselves. Generally speaking, all of our scooter parts are adjustable so we want to show everyone how they can tweak their scooter to be the most comfortable ride possible. Whether you’re looking for guidance on how to assemble your scooter, replace the rear brake cable or fix a rocking head tube then there’s a guide for it and much more.
A Kick Scooter to feel free and independent
‘I have not been on a scooter in 50 years but I was determined to get one and enjoy it. The scooter is brilliant. I love, love it. The list could go on and on [as to] why.
It gives me the freedom to feel free. You just put your headphones on and forget everything. The NHS should put them on prescription since I have my beloved scooter I have stopped taking my anti-depression tablets.
My son is an adult, but he has autism. He has his own issues because he is different he does not have friends so is very isolated. Well, guess what, he also loves my scooter I can’t get a look in. As I have mentioned his overall wellbeing has improved it gives him the freedom to get from a to be independently and this makes him feel less dependent on me.
Amazing I have gone from a couch potato to going to Tesco on my scooter and for races with my son, he on MY scooter and I’m on a bike but we have fun and laugh’ – Thomasina
The mental health benefits exercise can bring are often overlooked, but as Thomasina highlights here, the effects can be considerable. Getting outside and active doesn’t always have to be about exercise. The benefits of just knowing you can easily travel and explore the area around you can be just as rewarding to your health.
Independence is a virtue that many can take for granted, and it’s touching to hear that one of our scooters is allowing Thomasina’s son an element of it.
Freedom is one of our four core brand values and is one of the reasons we make our scooters. We want to give our customers a fun and enjoyable way to get outside, feel the wind in their hair and explore.
Modern life encourages a very sedentary lifestyle, so the benefits of breaking these habits and embracing some freedom can’t be understated.
Learn more about our brand values and their importance in Swifty's quality promise
Feeling the Benefits of Large Wheel Scooters
‘Following several traumatic accidents on a small, hard wheeled adult commuter scooter, I decided to invest in the Swifty One. I made the right decision. Along with my MX5, it’s simply the funnest, coolest thing I own. For style (obviously) but more importantly for safety (bigger wheels) and efficiency. It’s an absolute dream to ride (so smooth and so quiet!) for leisure, exercise and the commute. It’s such a relief not to be constantly anticipating the next potential crash site. Though light, it feels robust and hardy; leaving you free to enjoy the ‘feeling of freedom’ it delivers. You can actually feel the years of love and thought that has gone into its design and manufacture.
Don’t waste your time (and health!) on small-wheeled wannabees, invest in a Swifty!’ – Mark
We have adapted and worked on our designs for years to make what we believe is the best adult scooter on the market today. It’s lovely to hear that the effort and thought that has gone into it all can be felt in the SwiftyONE’s ride by Mark!
There are hundreds of design choices when it comes to designing a scooter but one of the most crucial is wheel size. We opted for 16’’ wheels with pneumatic tyres for a number of reasons, first and foremost though is safety. As Mark highlights in his first line this was an important factor to him.
We hear stories like Mark’s quite often, that people have embraced scooters but found that the small hard wheeled alternatives are just too dangerous, any small obstacle could send you over the handlebars.
We have spent a lot of time to make sure our large wheel scooters are safe by design. Pneumatic tyres mean that the wheel can better absorb the impact of obstacles or uneven terrain allowing for a smooth ride, while the wheel design means their crumple zones are in place to further absorb impact. Paired with our frame geometry the typical upright riding position on a Swifty allows you to be much more prepared to deal with an impact.
We recently put big vs small wheel scooters to the test in a Pothole test – see the results
Kick Scooting for an Alternative Form of Exercise
‘The purpose of the Swifty scooter for my needs was to exercise with my dog. I needed low impact exercise methods to run my Australian shepherd on paved trails around town. I trained him to run beside my bike but I sensed he didn't like it. Inline skates were too dangerous. So the scooter was a perfect solution.
The Swifty scooter is top-notch quality. The learning curve to ride is minimal. The folding option was absolutely necessary for me to transport it around town and fit it in my car along with the dog. To learn the folding technique was fairly easy, although I will never be as fast as Jason!
I was quite surprised what a great workout the scooter is for me - not just my dog! My muscles were screaming, my heart rate was up, and downhills became a welcome reprieve! I hooked the dog to me on a waist leash and he did great! As an exercise option, it is a full-body workout. I'm very pleased. What a wonderful alternative form of exercise to my regimen with my dog of walking, hiking, and now scooting.’ – Gwen
Gwen’s review is a great example of teaching us how our scooters are being used in a way we’d never expect, like exercising with your dog! Australian Shepherds are very active dogs that need a lot of daily exercise, so to find a way to keep up while comfortably exercising yourself is a great benefit.
Scooting provides you with a whole new way of moving, far different to hiking, skating or walking as mentioned in Gwen’s review. Even for very active people, it is a full-body workout unlike anything most of us have done before, so you’re bound to put yourself to the test if you’re heading out for a kick fit type fitness scoot.
Learn how to 'switch kick' on your scooter as well as the correct form to be scooting like a pro!
Also worth noting is that Gwen found that the ‘learning curve to ride is minimal’. This is again something that can be daunting for non-scooters when they first hop on a scooter, you might not be too confident in your balance on your first trip.
It is concerns that new riders have like this that have contributed to the design of our scooters, to make sure riders can feel as safe as possible from their first push. The footplate of the SwiftyZERO and SwiftyONE is 110mm off the ground and the SwiftyAIR is 115mm, meaning you’re never too far from the ground and it’s easy to hop off if you’re not feeling confident at first.
Once again SwiftyONE’s folding mechanism makes it easy to transport wherever you fancy going for your exercise, even with your dog in tow!
A Kick Scooter that can Handle All Weather!
‘When my SwiftyONE arrived, I was instantly impressed, so impressed that I was going to write a review there and then. But if I was going to read a product review, I would want it to be from someone who’s used it, so it’s now a month later, and I’ve commuted over 120km on my gorgeous new scooter. That’s 3km each way, across the bumpy, cracked and narrow pavements and streets of Sydney, and I am really really happy with my purchase.
Before I had my Swifty, I had bought one of those typical small-wheeled scooters you see everywhere, and I managed 5 days on it before returning it as it was not fit for purpose on these treacherous surfaces! The Swifty on the other hand, glides along smoothly, safely, and really comfortably. I only feel the biggest of the bumps, and the brakes work well even in the torrential rain. Speaking of which, I paid extra for some mudguards, which were very necessary, because when it rains here, it really pours, and they perform very well and look pretty good too. All in all, it wasn’t a cheap purchase, but it’s been completely worth it and takes my commutes from a boring half-hour walk to a fun <20min scoot, and it folds up and fits neatly under my desk when I get there!’ – Trish (Google Reviews)
SwiftyONE’s rear brake is cleverly designed to scrape debris and water off the tyre as it applies the brake, so you will still get a great performance from your folding scooter even in ‘torrential rain’!
This means our scooters are able to be ridden in any weather from rain to shine. You will undoubtedly need to adjust your riding techniques to fit the weather in some cases. For example, if it’s wet underfoot it’s better to do smaller pushes more often but the frame geometry of a Swifty allows you to be in a stable and upright position, ready to adjust to any changing conditions on the ground ahead of you.
As Trish mentions we have mudguards –link- available for all our adult scooters (they’re integrated to the frame on our SwiftyIXI kid's scooter) helping you battle the elements that bit more! We have plenty of other accessories available in the Swifty Store for you to get your scooter prepared for a change in seasons - Lights for the afternoon commute as it gets dark earlier? A bell to make sure people around know you’re coming? Or a pair of gloves to give you a bit more grip in the colder months? We have you covered!
We want to extend a massive thank you to everyone that leaves us a review, your feedback is invaluable to us and we love hearing all about your individual Swifty Stories, it amazes us how much our scooters have affected some of our customer’s lives.