Best Adult Kick Scooter for the School Run, Parent Commute and Family Time - Our Customers' Stories
Featuring real stories from parents far and wide, we delve deeper into the adult scooter craze in the UK and why the scooter movement which started over ten years ago shows no sign of abating.
Via a selection of our customers from our most popular demographic, find out the real reasons why cyclists and motorists are being converted to a more humble and altogether more minimalist mode, the ‘quiet revolution’ that is the adult kick-scooter.
While cycling is on the rise in the UK, the percentage of regular cyclists remains around 4%, leaving the other 96% using other modes.
The main factor which really deters people from cycling is the lack of safe cycle routes in many areas of the UK. There are exceptions, but wIthout a protected and joined up cycle lane along your route, cycling in heavy traffic could prove simply too stressful.
It can be even more stressful if you've had a cycling accident, or you simply don't want to take that sort of risk once you have small children on tow.
The ex-cyclist:
“I had been a vocal advocate and daily participant of London commuter cycling for many years up until recently. After the third time of being knocked off my bike in heavy traffic (and, luckily, only sustaining the slightest of injuries during one of those incidents) I realised my cycling days were over.
But the dilemma I faced was I really just didn't have time to walk and I still craved the excitement and physical workout which I was getting from my bike journey. The solution presented itself via the SwiftyONE foldable scooter. Not only was I able to maintain almost the same level of fitness as the bike riding, but the unanticipated versatility the SwiftyONE presented was really a game changer.
Being able to scoot on pavements and quiet roads (while also having the opportunity to take a folded-up scooter onboard the tube when necessary) makes for a much more pain-free and flexible commute.
For even the most discerning cyclist, the SwiftyONE was the kick-scooter that ticked all my boxes. It’s light, folds like a dream and, for me, has forever changed the boundaries of what a traditional daily commute entailed.”
Parents value a shorter commute over pay
Ferrying your children to and from nursery or school before embarking in your own journey to work and back is never an easy task for either parent, particularly those one-car households, where the work distance is a deciding factor who has ultimate daily use of the family car.
It can impact in such ways that findings from the Office of National Statistics in 2019 suggested that when deciding whether to leave their job, women are more likely than men to accept lower pay in favour of a shorter commute, contributing to the overall gender pay gap.
In short, factoring in the added (sometimes multiple) school and/or nursery runs before even contemplating the myriad of challenges that can arise during the work commute, is undoubtedly one of the biggest annoyances of family life.
The working mum:
“As any working parents will know, easily the most stressful part of the day is combining the school run and getting to work on time. In all honesty, it usually exceeds any of those typical day-to-day workplace challenges. That constant cajoling of my children and incessant time-keeping to ensure that they arrive safely and in time for the bell has, in the past, often left me frazzled and on edge before even stepping foot into the office.
Even our closest nursery was 15 minutes walk in the wrong direction, so I would never have got to work on time without my Swifty. In the past that meant my relatively short commute on foot still demanded a military-style morning routine to ensure both myself and the children arrived promptly at school and work, respectively.
It never occurred to me that I could use another, smaller mode of transport to help me once I’d dropped the kids off. A bike was far too cumbersome (particularly with two children in tow) and it was only when I saw an adult scooting one morning, I realised that could potentially work for me, too.
My Swifty kick-scooter saves me a good 30 minutes to and from work every day, but it’s the kind of precious time any parent who is constantly on the go will hugely appreciate. It just makes the juggling possible.”
As any parent will know, it’s often tough to convince your children to engage with you in a physical outdoor activity, even during the warmer seasons.
The proliferation of gaming culture and the world of streaming has made it even harder to convince your little one to get up and get out. A sobering statistic from 2016 suggested that three-quarters of UK children spend less time outside than prison inmates!
The scooter dad:
“I can categorically say that the relationship with my three year-old daughter has improved ten-fold since I purchased a Swifty Scooter. My daughter is already pretty active for her age (she attends weekly ballet and dancing lessons) but I was searching for a fun and easy activity we could participate in together before I spied Swifty Scooters online.
She is so quick on her little scooter, so when looking for a dad's scooter, I didn't fancy one of the cheap ones with small wheels. I spotted Swifty online and thought YES, that's the one for me. I love the big wheels and proper brakes. Just the cool look of it, really.
Our scoots at the weekend are so much fun - whizzing through the park together. We use both scooters (I own a SwiftyONE) where and whenever we can. It’s been quality."
Read more: Comparing Swifty’s Adult Scooter Models

Many city centre residents have no need for a car during the week
Anyone who has lived or is currently living within commuter distance of a big city will recognise that the need for four-wheeled transport – particularly during the working week – is virtually immaterial, especially those cities with strong commuter connectivity.
Traditionally, car ownership per household in London has always been lower than the rest of the country. In England overall, 23.9% of households don't have a car, where the figure in London is almost double that at 45%.
Add to that a government-backed study in 2018 which revealed significantly fewer young adults hold driving licences today than in the early 1990s, and you’re looking many individuals in the UK who seek alternative transport to be mobile.
There has also been a concerted effort in many cities around the world to try and cut down on the flow of traffic, with the UK's own initiative - Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) - being implemented across the UK in 2020.
Particularly prevalent in London, it means that local residents and businesses can still use cars - as well as receive visitors and deliveries - but non-local traffic cannot drive through the designated areas in the scheme.
The non-driver:
“I don’t drive so it’s always been a challenge going places with my little boy since he was able to walk properly.
Like a lot of children his age, by the time he turned three he had rejected his buggy and insisted on walking everywhere. As you can imagine, going anyplace with him took forever, be it the shops or my local park. I considered buying a push bike with a children’s chair attachment, but I really didn’t like the idea of cycling on the road with him behind me, plus the fact that he would have undoubtedly grown out of it rather quickly.
When I was searching for other options, I came across the Swifty Scooters website. They stocked the kind of scooters which I felt would be safe and robust enough for the types of journeys we made and the general wear and tear from lots of use!
We scoot together to the nursery now and it’s just wonderful! Aside from the obvious time-saving benefits, it’s also peace of mind for me, too. I can observe everything he does and I feel he’s getting a good grasp of road safety early on.”
Lack of safe bike lanes means sometimes cycling is not an option
Despite calls from many councils around the country to fast-track bike lanes - in an attempt to make cycling a safe and attractive alternative to public transport - there’s still the fact that people find the prospect of cycling anywhere a daunting prospect.
For some, it can be impractical and incredibly stressful, and families discount it as an option entirely as they deem it not safe for their children.
This is entirely understandable, given just how many of our roads are swamped with an abundance of vehicles. Using a bike to make even the simplest of journeys to the supermarket has now been turned into a chore due to impatient car drivers, inconsiderate pedestrians and the explosion of home delivery vans.
The non-cyclist:
“Let’s just say, I’m a little wobbly on a bike. I never enjoy cycling much as a child and I’m not a fan of it as an adult. I just don’t have the confidence. My kick-scooter is just a great alternative. But I find it’s not just the mobility aspect which I’ve really benefited from. For starters, there is the whole green aspect with it. But it’s also surprising just how fit it keeps me. It’s gotten to the point now where if I need to pop to the local supermarket for a couple of items, I’m more inclined to use the scooter rather than my car, even if that’s more time-consuming.
I think when you’re using a scooter as a means of getting around, you really begin to appreciate the health advantages. It’s not a matter of just getting from A to B. It’s how each time on the scooter helps build core strength. I’ll never look back!"