Best Adult Kick Scooter for the School Run, Parent Commute and Family Time - Our Customers' Stories
“It folds like a transformer!” - why the adult scooter works for the school run, urban commute and family time
“It folds like a transformer!” - why the adult scooter works for the school run, urban commute and family time
We know all too well the challenges faced on the school run; getting everyone and everything out the door on time can be a real test, but fear not! SwiftyIXI is the best 2 wheel kids scooter to make your school run that much easier.
The American podcaster is seen riding a SwiftyAIR, or “MAN SCOOTER” as he puts it, after trying out a smaller scooter and breaking it.
Getting outside with a young family is tricky but when you do, it does you and the kids a world of good.
If your kids love their scooters, investing in a quality adult version not only gives you a ticket to join the fun on the school run, but also prov...